Nelse Hanson

Nelse Hanson

Airline Transport Pilot -- Airplane Single Engine Land and Sea, Airplane Multiengine Land and Sea, Airbus A-320 and Bombardier CL-65 (CRJ) PIC type ratings
Flight Instructor -- Airplane Single Engine, Airplane Multiengine, Instrument Airplane, Gold Seal
Ground Instructor -- Advanced & Instrument

I learned to fly in high school, joined the YJFC as a Tech student (CmpE 1996), and became a flight instructor a few years after getting out. I have been a highly active club instructor and volunteer ever since, including Chief Flight Instructor for ten years. I worked for 25 years as a software engineer, specializing in designing and certifying flight deck systems and avionics, and I now work as an airline pilot flying the Airbus A320. I continue to instruct and volunteer with the club in my free time, and I own a Cessna 152 that lives on the Clairmont ramp near the club's airplanes.